Monday, August 25, 2008

Ulysses, Telemachus, Preliminary

And so, gentle reader, we begin. First, some words on procedure. Every few days, we will post one of Rob's drawings here. I'm going to mark up his drawings a little to point out the things I'm going to talk about in my commentary. (If you like the drawings, they'll be available for purchase! Rob will explain how that's going to work.)

For today, I'm talking about the introductory panel for the first episode, Telemachus. Rob's original work looks like this:

And my markup looks like this:

So just so we're clear, the crude spraypainty defacings are mine.

We invite, we encourage, we downright urge you to comment. Your participation is crucial to the success or failure of the project, so please ask questions, give opinions, make funny puns, etc. Stay tuned for the first post!

1 comment:

Robert Berry said...

Ummm, well, actually this first drawing is the only one not for sale anywhere, Mike. It doesn't really exist in the same physical way the other panels do.

Josh made this title page through blacking out the Martello tower detail we'll see in the next panel. So there's nothing really to sell here, but we will be talking about the physical objects of this projects a bit later. Each page is cut into separate moments and panels and I was very careful in constructing them to allow each little visual suggestion of the novel become it's own drawing.