Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Secret Advantages of Subscribing to E-mail

"So," you ask yourselves, "why would I want more stuff in my inbox rather than just use Google Reader or any of the other less intrusive ways to keep track of a blog?"
Excellent question. I hate getting more e-mail than necessary myself. After all, if most of the fans of this blog are busy reading Joyce, how much time can you have for junk-mail?
Well, here's the thing. We've been kind of quiet around here lately as we get things formalized for a big push next month; new content on the comic, a live on-line sales site for original art, models for different applications and delivery methods (yes, that was intentionally vague), and a finished script for the next two chapters (well, okay, we're not entirely finished with "Proteus" yet, but most of you will understand how that one can be tricky...).
Mike's doing such a terrific job with the tutorial element of this blog that we've decided to keep that a bit separate from all this other news and updates. To that purpose we're forming a mailing list that will let people know exactly where the project stands and take them, through a link, directly into the updated material on the comic. This mailer, or web-blast, will also include some re-capping of previous passages of the adaptation and show exactly where that corresponds to the 1922 text.
Oh, and there will be unique artwork on these web-blasts not found in the comic. Some of it by me, some of it done exclusively for the project by others.
Oh, and we're sending the first of these web-blast out later this week.
I think its well worth cluttering your inbox to get more of the "inside scoop" and it leaves Mike plenty of room to talk about things like the "Uncle Charles Principle." This way we keep the current events off to the side.


Anonymous said...

Please clog my inbox! I want the inside scoop AND the "Uncle Charles Principle."

Robert Berry said...

"anonymous," hmmn?
Perhaps I should start signing my posts, "Henry Flowers" for any "Marthas" who need their inbox clogged!

Bengo said...

Nice illo of Jim!
